Monday, August 28, 2006

just now watch weixiao pasta!!this episode is really like shit lorz!!but next episode very nice.hehe!!!changing back my blog's song to bei ji xing de yan lei!cos i really like this song alot!

this is reporter that trying to ruin hequn's career!!!
his face really very QIAN DA!!!feel like bash him up and hang him upside down!!

back to school!

today no pe lesson,we went to computer lab to do survey by MOE!the survey is about school and teachers!every questions that sound good for the school,i choose STRONGLY DISAGREE,in the other hand,when the question is bad for the school,i choose STRONGLY AGREE!!haha!!i hate my school!!!

thursday is the teacher day celebration,it also aces day!sianz lorz,we need to wear pe attire to walk to yishun park!damn boliao!!don't know whether going to school class got alot of people don't intend to go leh.later only i attend school nia.haha!

off to study le!bye!


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